To write an article with a high level of uniqueness, filling it with the necessary keywords is not quite as easy as it seems at first glance. This art needs to be studied for a very long time in order to achieve the desired result. It should be borne in mind that the "writing environment" in recent years has been replenished by many Internet users. This greatly reduced the chances of writing the necessary article without involuntarily repeating or copying the reasoning and ideas of another author.
If you need to write an article to order on a specific topic, while inserting a list of keywords set by the customer, you should resort to the art of SEO copywriting. Authors of articles, using SEO copywriting methods, discover the opportunity to write competent and high-quality articles that are focused primarily on people looking for answers to their many questions on the Internet or simply wanting to learn something new for themselves in various spheres of human activity.
SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting allows you to organize the structure of the future article so that it matches the search query on the Internet as much as possible, from which users automatically go to the site where your article will be posted. Key words or phrases in the article play a major role in this process. Depending on the saturation of the article with keywords or phrases, sites occupy different positions in the rating lists of the World Wide Web.
In the process of writing such an article by the author, a problem arises: how to make the text of the article easy to read and attractive to the user and at the same time fill it with keywords or phrases as much as possible. In this case, the author of the article should evenly and logically place keywords throughout the text, gradually starting from them and increasing the volume of not only mandatory, but also fascinating information. At the same time, it is very important to maintain a balance between the information content of the text and its readability, fascination and accessibility to the majority of Internet users.
It should be noted that in recent years, search engines track not only the number of visits to the site, but also record the time spent by the user on a particular site, as well as how many pages he viewed and whether he returned again to a previously opened site. These parameters make it possible to characterize the quality of an information resource, its usefulness and relevance for a person. Therefore, at writing articles with keywords, the author first of all needs to think about the quality of the text of the article, and then organically fill it with keywords and phrases.
At the moment there are the following types of SEO copywriting: analytical, scientific, informational, advertising and news. Experts in this field point out that analytical SEO copywriting is the most promising, because it allows you to create well-structured text with multi-level headings. In this case, there are ample opportunities for the competent distribution of keywords throughout the text of the entire article.
In order for a new article on the Internet to attract as much attention from users as possible, it must meet the following criteria: literacy, originality, artistry, persuasiveness, compliance of the article with the topic of the site and user requests, a high level of disclosure of the declared topic, its relevance, the author's competence in the issue under consideration, as well as the clarity of the semantic structure of the text. And most importantly, the user should not suspect that the article he is reading has been optimized in accordance with keywords and phrases.
Having familiarized yourself with the theory of SEO copywriting, you need to try your skills in practice. When writing SEO-optimized text, you must immediately decide on the topic of the future article, which should correspond to the topic of the site, and also take into account its relevance and attractiveness to readers. You should also realistically assess your capabilities in disclosing the chosen topic, correctly assessing the level of your competence and readiness to consider it from a new angle, which will be unexpected and interesting for the reader's public.
The success of your article depends a lot on the keywords and phrases you choose. They don't have to be primitive and predictable. It is necessary to avoid such options as "you can only buy this product", "excellent and high-quality products", etc. Articles with these keywords tend to scare away readers. To avoid these mistakes, you need to make the text structured and meaningful. The main idea of the text should develop logically and lead the reader from one paragraph to another, revealing new nuances and details of the topic under consideration. The reader must be interested so that he decides to spend his precious time studying important information for him. End the article - preferably with a small paragraph, which should summarize all the material presented, and also contain a certain conclusion that has practical significance in human life.
In this case, it is very important that the author of the article has a good command of the language. The article must be written competently and talentedly, otherwise it will not bring the desired result for website promotion. In this matter, the level of culture of the author's written speech plays an important role, as well as the possession of his own unique style, which will eventually be recognized by the grateful reading public. Without these important moments, success in SEO copywriting is impossible!
The Art of SEO Copywriting - this is the ability to "please" Yandex and Google, which consists in adjusting the text of the article to various algorithms that assess the quality of site pages. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to accurately tell about these algorithms today, but they are the ones that determine the rating of all existing sites. When choosing keywords for your future article, use the statistical services of Yandex or Google. By opening the services "AdWords" in Google and "Keyword statistics" in Yandex, you can see the most popular keywords or phrases of the current month. By typing your chosen keywords in these services, you will immediately understand their prospects and relevance, which will predetermine the level of popularity of your future article.
There are three types of keywords or phrases: high-frequency, mid-frequency, and low-frequency. High-frequency keywords are different in that they are typed into the search field by millions of users every month. Low-frequency keywords are of interest to Internet users no more than 1000 times a month. Medium-frequency keys occupy a golden mean between their "fellow keys".
It should be noted that the use of high-frequency keys is not promising, since in this case, your article will be several thousand positions below the leading articles in the Internet space. By using low-frequency keywords, you can easily achieve success by bringing your site to the top for them in a short time. However, its traffic will naturally be less. Most sites compete with midrange keys that generate good traffic for their owners.
Keywords should not overwhelm the article, because in this case, search engines will treat such text as spam content. SEO copywriters prefer to fill their texts with keywords or phrases at the level of 4-6% of the total page volume. However, this is not a dogma and in some cases this level can be exceeded.
Do not forget that search engines, first of all, react to the content of headings and first paragraphs of text. Therefore, it is in them that direct occurrences of keywords or phrases must be included.
Using these guidelines and tips, you can achieve systematic and gradual success in the promotion of your site, but do not forget that SEO copywriting is a creative process in which you can make progress thanks only to your analytical and writing skills.