How to increase traffic and improve behavioral factors on a new blog... What if you write blog, there are few visitors, and the bounce rate is too high. Or the blog is new and not yet promoted. It is clear that you need to promote and attract readers. But it takes some time, and you want to get the result right away.

Many try wind up the counter or improve behavioral factors through different services using bots... But you must admit that nothing better than a living person who left a meaningful comment has not yet been invented.
Once I read about one service with which you can order writing comments for money, and used it for a while. The service is not bad and will be useful to those readers who have satellite blogs. This is a mailing list service I really wanted to tell about it after I wrote about Userrator.
This service for advertisers has a section called Paid Jobs. In it you can create a task - "Posting to blogs»By writing comments for a completely symbolic amount of 0.01$. It will be much more profitable than a simple promotion, because real people read your articles, leave comments, view several pages and reduce the number of bounces.
How create task for posting to blogs on the service
First you need to register. Registration in the service is not easy, but through WebMoney. There comes a special password for operations, which you need to save and enter it every time you log into your account.
When you enter the service, on the left, under the avatar, you need to go to the advertiser's tab and the services that can be ordered will be displayed below. Most of all interested here paid assignments.
We go in and create a task. We fill in all the lines that are.
Title - the title of the task.
Description - for example, "write a meaningful and detailed comment, at least 150 characters." You can also add - do not leave a comment on the article if there are already several there.
Job type - in it you need to write “Posting to blogs»This will be a task for the performers - writing comments. If you do not correctly indicate the type of task, you will receive a penalty of 5 cents.
Repeat execution, at what interval the comments will be written, for example, in 2-3-4 hours. It depends on how many comments you want to receive per day.
The verification mechanism is manual or automatic. In manual mode, you will need to check and approve each comment. If you choose manual mode, then in the description of the task you must indicate the information that the user must send you to check the completion of the task. You will receive reports by mail.
Then he fills in all the other lines. The cost of execution is 0.03-0.05 $, you choose a user rating from 10 and higher, and everything else is as you wish.
Create a task, replenish your account and wait for visitors and commentators. I know from experience for a penny guys write good meaningful comments. Therefore, do not skimp on payment. After all, you will not only have a lot of comments, but your traffic will also increase.
How improve behavioral factors on the blog - my own experience.
I want to share with you my own experience of improving behavioral factors on a culinary blog. Maybe my experience will help someone. Moreover, I already wondered about the behavioral factors on the culinary blog after the arrival of the Panda and Penguin filters.
Why exactly at the culinary? It's just that people who are looking for the right recipe and find it with you, read it and leave without even leaving a comment. Having several blogs, I was constantly thinking. Why is a culinary blog worse than the rest? After all, there were no such number of failures on other resources - from 80% according to Yandex.Metric data.
Reading different culinary blogs, I saw how the recipes were written, did the same, and nothing changed for the better. And only after I read somewhere how to write recipes, the situation began to change for the better.
How to write cooking recipes.
Although my culinary blog is far from ideal and its attendance does not satisfy me, but I am working on it, and if you look at its development, you can see a significant difference in the quality of the recipes. If earlier these were small notes with one photo, now these are large detailed descriptions of several thousand characters with step-by-step photos.
I even wonder how I can write such detailed recipes? And I'm starting to enjoy the process of filling the site. I would like more time, maybe the attendance has increased. In the meantime, behavioral factors are improving.
How to get the reader to scan multiple pages.
This is the most important question. After all, the more pages a visitor views, the better for the resource. In order to keep the visitor on the site, I installed and configured the plugin Frontpage-Slideshow to show slides to recipes. I chose the slider for a long time and it doesn’t quite suit me, but nevertheless, the slider copes with its mission.
I also added a popular posts plugin. WordPress Popular Postswhich is also customizable. Although, I understand that plugins significantly increase the load on the hosting, I still cannot refuse them.
So, after the work done, the percentage of refusals dropped to 9-14%, and visitors view more than one page, according to Yandex.Metrica data, and this is good news. This means that my site is interesting to people, and this is the main thing.
Of course, ideally, I would like to have more visitors, and they stayed longer on my resources. And for this I am taking some measures, which I will write about another time.