Website promotion
To understand how optimization works, let's focus on the technology that is used in all search engines. It is with its help that the location of sites in the search results is determined. In fact, there are only two indicators on which the order of the sites are located:

The site itself, its structure, texts, etc. Setting up a resource for the parameters recommended by search engines is internal site optimization... Its technologies often become the reason for a lot of rumors about free promotion. It should be noted that it is possible, but only with very low competition. Authority of the site. Based on the analysis of the "opinions" of other sites, search engines can determine the authority of a resource by determining the quality and number of links leading to it. Creating a link base, measuring the parameters of each link and the effectiveness of their placement is external website optimization.
Of course, most resource owners will not want to post links to other people's sites for free. Here the rules of "lease" of reference places have developed. In order for the link to remain in its place, the optimizers pay money to the owners of the advertising platform for a certain period of time. So, if the internal optimization is affected by a large amount of labor costs, then the external one depends on the cost of placing links that are necessary for promotion (reference budget).
It depends on the link budget search engine optimization cost at the request of different competition. General website promotion cost consists of the cost of promotion for each request.
We offer the following ways of cooperation in website promotion:
Website promotion with payment after the site is in the top ten. From 15,000 rubles per month
If necessary, you consult with our managers and make a list of requests for search engine optimization of the resource. We calculate the cost of promotion for each request and determine the cost for each day the resource is in the TOP-10. Website promotion takes 2-3 months. Paid for 2 full months of finding the site on the first page of search results for each request. Further maintenance of the resource's positions is paid upon being in the TOP-10.
Guarantees: In the third month after the start of optimization, you pay only for those days and requests for which the resource is in the TOP-10 of the Yandex.
Bonuses: Both internal optimization and compilation of the semantic core not paid separately. They are included in the promotion cost.
Learn more about post-pay website promotion
Fixed rate promotion From 20,000 rubles per month
From the beginning of the promotion (promotion) of the site, the managers of our company, together with you, select from 20 to 114 requests. After 4-6 weeks, the resource in most cases is in the first 10 positions of the search results for 70% of these requests. In 8-10 weeks your site will be in the TOP-10 for 90% requests. This is the most effective method for online stores.
Guarantees: If after 12 weeks of promotion on the first page of Yandex search results your site is found in less than 75% requests, we will refund the money for the unfinished interest for the entire time of the search engine optimization!
Bonuses: Internal optimization and the compilation of the semantic core are included in this tariff.
SEO site development... New service on the optimization market. From 20,000 rubles per month
Cooperation with us makes it possible to increase the number of search queries in the TOP-10.
The result is achieved by working with the structure of the site, writing texts that meet the requirements of search engines. Promotion with an increase in the number of queries will suit resources that are in the first 10 search positions for highly competitive queries, the owners of which are important not to be satisfied with what has already been achieved.
Portal promotion

This service is suitable for large resources with a daily attendance of at least 7 thousand visitors. As part of the promotion, we conduct web analytics of the site and a large number of search queries. After that, the original positions of the resource become visible. Then we calculate the options for attracting users from the first pages of the search results, we develop a unique website promotion scheme.
Bonuses: The cost of promotion includes internal optimization and compilation of the semantic core site.
The effectiveness of website promotion from a business point of view
Advertising methods differ from each other in efficiency, timing, price and required resources. One of the most effective and fastest methods is search engine promotion.
Millions of users are looking for information on the Internet, and the site where they will find the information they need first becomes, in a sense, "golden". Judge for yourself: if you need a company that is engaged, for example, in the installation of plastic windows, the user types in the search box the query "plastic windows". After 1-2 seconds, he will see on the screen the first 10 websites of companies engaged in this activity. And the probability that he will use the services of one of them can be called one hundred percent! But there are more than one hundred firms that are engaged in this activity. The situation is the same in almost all areas of business. In the top ten (TOP-10) there are sites whose owners appreciated the benefits of their promotion in time. At the same time, the number of calls from clients sometimes goes off scale - after all, sites in the TOP-10 (especially the first three) get almost everything! It happens that users look at the second or third page of search results, but this happens extremely rarely. A small example of the effectiveness of promotion. We convert the number of site visits into phone calls from potential customers.
Website promotion services on average they cost about 30,000 rubles. In 2-3 months, the promoted resource will be visited daily by about 100 potential customers. By converting visits to the resource into calls, we get about 2 hits per day. For 22 working days, website promotion customers can receive 44 calls from potential customers. And this is only on weekdays! Do not forget about such a common form of contact as e-mail. It turns out that with an average contract amount of 30,000 rubles, one phone call from a potential client costs about 682 rubles. And the profit that the customer will receive from the caller will be significantly higher!
Now imagine how much it will cost to place an advertisement in print media and radio. TV, production of souvenirs, banners ... and you will understand that promotion is by far the most effective and affordable way to attract customers. A significant advantage of this strategy is the client himself, who already knows in advance what he wants and how much he is ready to pay for it.
This example is average. The cost of promotion can vary both upward and downward, depending on how competitive the client's activities are and how much time the interested user will spend on searches. After all, it is one thing to look for a pizza delivery company on the Internet, it is another thing to find a new car, real estate or a trip abroad. In the first case, calls with orders will appear faster. Finding a site in the TOP-10 will speed up this process at times. Our company will deal with it!
We will take your site to the top! Different ways to promote your website... Which way should I choose?
We believe that the work should be done in such a way that the client gets the maximum benefit at the lowest cost. To this end, for website promotion iTSolution carries out various types of work. Search engine optimization corporate site. As a rule, such sites have a rather small number of pages (10-100), limited by the number of services or products. If this is your case, we recommend ordering promotion for a small number of highly competitive and high-frequency commercial requests. Such way of promotion allows you to get the maximum number of potential customers, which, even with a relatively high cost of work, will provide a low cost of a client's call. Promotion for a small number of requests does not require significant changes on the site itself, which will direct the majority of users to the home page of the promoted Internet resource. This is an additional incentive to call. Online store promotion. The main difference between a showcase site, which is necessary for online stores, is the set of pages, each of which is dedicated to a specific product. To promote such sites, it is worth taking advantage of this particular feature. Promotion work is being carried out simultaneously for hundreds of commercial requests. Here, the main role is played not by the popularity (frequency) of these requests, but by their number. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that almost every request for a specific product is a commercial request with a high conversion rate and low competition. As a result, the promotion of such a site is inexpensive. Naturally, for website promotion the online store should not forget about those requests that are used with high frequency. Working with them, we will bring to the site visitors who have not yet fully decided on the brand of the product. For example, let's say a user enters the request "buy a TV". When promoting an online store website, this query can be no less useful than dozens of queries like "buy a SONY TV". As a result, when using two such mechanisms, promotion will give the maximum effect.
Promotion of an information site.
In this case, it means a promotion that receives its main income from advertising. If you have such a site, it is developed and brought to a sufficient level, there is no point in explaining the ways of getting traffic and method of website promotion... It is only necessary to emphasize that each such site is unique. Each has its own development history, unique structure and needs: for some, it is necessary to make it more visible in terms of visibility, for others - to increase traffic. For many, in this case, separate requests are of great importance. The task of our company is to develop the best strategy for website promotion, taking into account your needs, ensuring the required result. It is also worth noting that this classification of sites is very arbitrary. For example, a corporate website may well have a wide range of products or services. It also happens that no more than 20 products are presented in an online store, and in this case, you need to use promotion on requests with a high frequency. It happens that the task in promoting the site of an information portal is to reach a leading position in a small number of requests with a high frequency and competition.
The company "iTSolution" provides a number of services to promote the site
Compilation of the semantic core.

A complete list of requests is compiled for which it makes sense to carry out promotion.
We determine the frequency of each request, which shows how many times that request has been made by users of various search engines. For each request, we select 2 pages of the resource: the most relevant from the point of view of search engines and the most valuable for users. Then we make a report on all relevant site requests and provide it in formats. pdf and. xls
Usability assessment.
Customer website promotion be sure to think about what the user is doing on his site. Is it convenient to use? Can the user get acquainted with all the necessary information? This is extremely important. Search engine optimization will solve only one problem - a site in the TOP will attract potential customers. But if the resource is not convenient for perception, only a small percentage of visitors will understand that it is YOUR company that provides the necessary services at a reasonable cost